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This is the first gastronomic delivery in which the true weight is conferred on the customers, and not the newborn’s ideology. And that is the greatness of this gastronomic concept. Everyone who gets close, whether for enjoyment or merely to visit, by design or not, has already become part of the DSTAgE universe. Like a mantra, Diego Guerrero cannot stop evoking the wonderful things that are happening to him. It is his way of pinching himself, and also of looking into his heart, so as not to forget the moments of doubt or anxiety he has endured. Living also implies suffering. But what Diego Guerrero captures in his social networks are the nice things that happen at DSTAgE. In a way we also feel a part of those nice things at Montagud Editores, having managed to capture the experiences and feelings of this chef in black and white. This feat is rounded off by the presentation of creations in this book that demonstrate why Diego Guerrero will be counted among the greats.

Irreductible | Diego Guerrero

  • Categoria: Cucina professionale

    Editore: Montagud

    ISBN:  9788472121645

    Lingua: Spagnolo/Inglese

    Pp: 256

    Formato: Copertina rigida, 24 cm x 32 cm

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